Hotel Rendezvous
Hotel Rendezvous
written by dornish queen
Characters: Modern Oberyn Martell x Modern Ellaria Sand, OC characters
Content Rating: PG
Content Warnings: implied misogyny for the time period. There may be words used that may not be politically correct
Notes: noir/semi-noir UA fic; eventually there will be a “hotel rendezvous” somewhere. I had to name this story something. Unbeta’d. I don’t normally do this. Not my thang, but started as an idea that I thought would be fun to explore. Yes, I decided to post this for real and see where it goes.
Disclaimer: as with all content, please proceed with caution. If there is something you feel is distasteful, please do not continue to read.
chapter one
1940 – Hollywood
Enter the hustle and bustle of RKO Studios, Oberyn Martell walked with a purpose. It had only been a month since he was hired to work at the studio. But the buzz and energy from the people had grown on him. The snug fit of his security uniform holding up his body with confidence as he continued to roam from set to set, until he reached the dance rehearsal hall. It was late in the day and the chorus line girls were practicing their routine for next days filming. The were dressed in their dance short shorts and striped tight tops, which revealed just enough cleavage. After a myriad of twirls and kicks, one particular dancer caught his eye and blew him a kiss.
He flashes them a crooked smile. “Ladies?”
“Alright, dolls! Take five!”, shouted the choreographer.
A dancer made her way towards Oberyn, who was standing cross armed against the wall by the entrance. She was petite compared to the other dancers, with a black bob haircut, she bounced toward him, smiling brightly. He wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up until her legs dangled.
“Obi, put me down!” she giggled.
Oberyn set her down gently and began to nuzzle her ear, to the ruckus from the other dancers.
Hey Sweetie, I can give you some of that over here…I don’t know what he sees in that Oriental Girl…Hey, she’s nice…why is he security, he should be in front of the cameras…Hi Obi..
The chorus girls continued to watch the public display off affection with jealousy, some giggling while others visibly scowled as the couples’ kisses and mumbling can slightly be heard across the dance hall.
“Can’t stay long, Maymi.” he breathed into her ear. “Boss wants to see me.”
She responded by nibbling on his lip, her fingers ruffling his well combed hair. After a final deep kiss and a squeeze, Oberyn backed away, ready to leave.
“What would I do without you, Maymi?”
Maymi gave him a slight shrug and a wink. “You know where to find me, Obi.”
She laughed as walked back to the dance line up, ready for the interrogation from the girls.
Oberyn walked with a slight smile across his face. Still thinking about Maymi. She was a good kid amongst all of these Hollywood sharks. But she was a tough cookie. She could take care of herself.
The studio backlot was practically empty by the time Oberyn arrived at the office of Buddy Sheffer, Head of RKO studios. Faint yelling could be heard coming from behind Buddy’s door. A woman and man.
I’m not going to let you do this to me!
It’s happening and there’s nothing you can do about it!
Oberyn knocks on the door, before slowly turning the knob to peek into Buddy’s office. He’s greeted by a flustered Buddy Sheffer.
“Obi! Come on in! We’ve been expecting you!” Buddy’s voice had changed to an upbeat tone.
“If this is a bad time, I can come back..”
“No, we want you here!” Buddy said cheerfully. “Take a seat please.”
“Who’s WE?!?” spat Ellaria Sand, her voice low but the fury was unmistakable.
Ellaria Sand, movie star. The prettiest dame on the lot with eyes like daggers. Only those daggers are pointed straight at Oberyn. Looking him up and down as he sat across from her, Oberyn couldn’t help but smile as he met her gaze.
“Obi, I’m assigning you to be Ellaria’s bodyguard.” Benny began. “As you know, she’s our biggest star. The press around her has been wild. I need a man I can trust to look out for her.”
“If it’s just the press, then why do you need a bodyguard,” Oberyn began, looking over at Ellaria as she took a drag from her cigarette. Her eyes still haven’t left him.
“You don’t understand these photographers! There’s like vultures!” Benny said. “We don’t want them to see anything that we don’t want them to see. You understand, Obi?”
Oberyn just nodded in acceptance.
“Good!” exclaimed Benny. “Now change!”
“Here. Put this suit on.” Benny had a tailored grey suit already waiting. “We can’t have you dressed like a security guard if your going to been seen with our main lady.”
“Whatever you want, Boss.” Oberyn didn’t argue.
When Oberyn emerged from the dressing room, Ellaria gaze softened a bit at the sight of his fitted suit. He’s hair parted and slicked to the side. Was that a slight smile he detected on her? No. It must have just been his imagination.
“Well, look at you!” Benny exclaimed. “He cleans up pretty good, huh Darlin’?”
“You like him so much, why don’t you have him as YOUR bodyguard!” Ellaria snapped.
“Now c’mon, Honey. Don’t be like that.” Benny soothes her, but Ellaria wasn’t having any of it.
“Alright, but to and from the studio! That’s it! I don’t need someone hanging around me 24/7!” Ellaria said annoyingly as she started toward the door.
“Okay Doll!” Benny said, shaking his head at Oberyn to ignore what Ellaria just said. Oberyn just frowned and started to catch up with Ellaria. Benny jingled a set of car keys before throwing them to Oberyn, giving him a thumbs up before he left.
By the time Oberyn caught up, Ellaria was waiting by the car door, her arms crossed.
“Well?” she said impatiently.
“Well, what?” Oberyn replied, as he fiddled with the keys to get the driver door open.
She looked at her door, motioning for him to open it, not saying a word.
to be continued….