Gentleman Jack
(An Agent Whiskey Fic)
written by dornish queen
Characters: Eggsy, Harry, Whiskey (No pairing)
Warnings: language, violence, angsty
Notes: This was written sometime in February. At the point of writing, I have not written anything in ages. This is my kinder writing in action. And the ending of chatper cuts off because I pretty much gave up writing. There is more stuff outlined though. Post Kingsman:TGC.
Prologue: Poppy’s Diner
Harry dropped the red case as the whip wound tighter around his neck. He had no time to input the code to release Poppy’s antidote. Millions of people were going to die if they didn’t do it. Eggsy reached for the case, but heard the click of the gun.
Agent Whiskey stood across from the polished, checkered floor of Poppy’s Diner. His gun pointed directly at Eggsy, while he held Harry in the grip of his whip. Harry stood helpless, staring at this traitor, but not surprised.
“Don’t move kid.” Agent Whiskey uttered coolly. “You try anything funny and I’m turning this thing electric!”
As much as Agent Whiskey liked Eggsy, this had to be done. It was for the greater good.
Eggsy yelled, “Our mission was to protect the innocent!”
Innocent? Agent Whiskey felt his heart burn with rage. The grip on his whip grew tighter around Harry’s neck.
“You want to know who was innocent?” Agent Whiskey said, feeling the lump in his throat grow. “My high school sweetheart. The love of my life. Pregnant with my little boy. He’d be about your age right now, if his momma hadn’t got caught in the crossfire when two meth heads decided to rob a fucking convenience store.”
Eggsy looked over at Harry, who stared at Agent Whiskey. Looking for a moment to attack.
“A world without those people in it?” Agent Whiskey continued. “Sure sounds like peace to me. Good riddance to all of them.”
In an instant, there was a blinding flash. All Agent Whiskey saw was stars as he felt his whip tug at his hand and his natural instinct was to activate it. Electricity zipped through that rope. Get that old man out of the way and then get rid of the kid. That case was his for the taking and all of this will be over.
Agent Whiskey felt a sharp kick to his stomach, which made him drop his lasso. Shit! That old man can fight! He felt Eggsy grab him from behind as he reached for his gun with his lasso. Whiskey’s gun flung in his direction, only to be grabbed in mid-air by Harry.
Two against one normally was a piece of cake for Agent Whiskey, but these were two trained Kingsman agents he was fighting. Agent Whiskey couldn’t help but admire how well Harry and Eggsy fought together. Almost like a father and son. The thought of that just fueled Whiskey’s anger. Father and son. He would have had that, should have had that.
They continued to fight in Poppy’s kitchen. Agent Whiskey managed to get his hands on his knife before Eggsy knocked it into the meat grinder. Agent Whiskey saw Harry coming at him from his peripheral and threw a frying pan at him, hitting Harry square in the head. As Agent Whiskey continued to struggle with Harry, he whips Eggsy with his free hand. Launching the end of the whip into the grinder. Eggsy is a goner for sure. Then only one left to finish off. As Harry and Agent Whiskey struggled with the gun, leaning across Poppy’s counter, Harry fired off a shot, freeing Eggsy from the whip and the teeth of the meat grinder.
As they continued to fight, Agent Whiskey couldn’t help but be distracted with thoughts of his wife. That moment of grief was just long enough for Harry to make his move. Agent Whiskey felt himself being lifted and pushed down into the grinder.
“OH FUCK!” Everything seemed to have moved in slow motion. It felt like an eternity. Well, shit! Is this how it feels like when you know you’re about to die?
Let it be quick and I’ll be with her again. That was Agent Whiskey’s final thought as he was about to be ground into bits. There was, surprisingly, no more anger, but a wave of relief washed over him. In a moment, all of his pain was gone and in its’ place, only love.
Eggsy and Harry stood there in the middle of Poppy’s kitchen, looking at the pile of hamburger that used to be Agent Whiskey. They sighed in relief as they entered the code that would release Poppy’s antidote. They had saved the world again and soon Eggsy would marry his princess. The love of his life, with Harry by his side.
Poppy’s diner, once so vibrant, stood so empty and dead. Not a sound, aside for the faint beeping noise coming from where Agent Whiskey’s remains were. Within that pile of grotesque ground meat, a small blinking light from what was once Agent Whiskey’s eyeball. The blue light started to blink faster and faster, until it was a solid blue light. A high-pitched beep, so high, only a dog could hear. And then, suddenly it was gone. Black. Completely dead.
Deep in an underground facility in Kentucky, there was a high-pitched beeping. Within the dark, wooden walls, the beeping continued. The room was small and unimpressive compared to the other Statesman warehouses. There was a sign on the outer door of the room.
Within those cold, wooden walls and sawdust floor, were rows of Statesman Whiskey barrels. This warehouse must have contained at least 20 of these barrels, organized in neat rows of two.
BEEP. In the dark silence of the room. BEEP. The blue light illuminated a single, wooden whiskey barrel in the middle of the row.
The beeping sped up, illuminating the face of the whiskey barrel completely
The blue beeping light grew brighter and solid until, the round wooden face of the whiskey barrel opened and swung out like a door, with a hiss.
“Protocols have been engaged,” said a female computerized voice.
Instead of whiskey flooding out of the wooden barrel, an arm reached out and a gasp for air. He reached from the depths of the whiskey barrel for anything to grab on the outside. Pulling himself out of the darkness, he fell onto the cold sawdust floor with a thud. Sawdust clung to his wet, naked body. Shivering from the coldness of his surroundings, he felt the sting of stale oxygen in his lungs. The cold burned with every breath he took. Lungs that had not been used for who knows how long.
Flashes in his mind. He shouldn’t be here. He should be with her. That was his last thought. The computer voice echoed through the empty room.
Chapter 1: Thawed Out
Characters: Whiskey, Champ, Ginger (No pairing)
Warnings: light fluff
Setting: The events of this story take place after Kingsman: The Golden Circle. I won’t go into too much backstory, just enough hopefully.
Jack felt a strong kick upside his head, knocking him back onto the bed. He shook it off before returning to lean his ear against his wife’s baby bump. He listened intently as he heard his baby doing somersaults in his momma’s belly. Jack couldn’t help but flash a stupid shit face grin.
“Whoo-wee! Listen to him go, Baby!” he shouted excitedly. “He’s gonna be strong just like his daddy!”
“And just as handsome.” She whispered as she ran her fingers through Jack’s hair.
He placed his hand on the underside of her belly, feeling the unmistakable hardness of his son’s head. KICK! Another hard jolt knocked Jack back, he could see his little baby foot protruding from the inside of her belly. Jack kissed his son through his wife’s stomach tenderly, working his kisses up until his lips brushed tenderly across her sweet lips. She smelled of flowers today. He took in her smell as he enveloped her mouth completely. The lover’s locked in their passionate kiss, as jack stroked her baby bump, feeling their child blissfully moving around in her belly.
She moved to her side to be more comfortable. Being seven months into her pregnancy and it was taking a toll on her back. Jack felt her back against his chest as they continued to lie on the bed. He rubbed her tummy while his mouth nuzzled against the back of her neck. He massaged her lower back to alleviate some of her discomfort.
“I love you, Sweety.” Was the last thing Jack heard as she drifted off to sleep with her husband cradling her. Jack’s heart swelled with love, as he closed his eyes and felt her head nuzzled against his chin.
A flash of light and there was another voice. An unfamiliar voice.
“A damn shame if you ask me.” The officer said. “Wrong place. Wrong time I guess.”
It was dark and Jack was standing outside of a convenience store. It was just an ordinary night. Ordinary to everyone else, but him. She was only going to be gone for a few minutes. A few minutes tuned into an hour. An hour turned into what seemed like forever for Jack.
Two officers stood outside the convenience store, filling out a report. Jack looked toward the convenience store, he could see the yellow of the police tape surrounding the entrance of the store. Jack walked closer to the entrance of the store, as though in slow motion, knowing in his mind what he would find. His heart dropped at the sight of blood. Jacked moved toward the entrance of the store when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Jack?” the voice was distant and muffled. “You okay, Jack”
A flash of light and there were more voices. Familiar voices.
“Jack, you’re going to be okay.” Ginger Ale said as Jack opened his eyes, squinting at a blinding set of bright lights.
Jack woke to find himself in the familiar, sterile surroundings of the Statesman sickbay. He was submerged in what looked like a cryo cylindrical tube, only it will filled with a warm clear gel. Still groggy and nauseous from waking up, he tried to focus on the two individuals leaning over into the cryo tube. Ginger Ale and Champagne. A sight for sore eyes, literally.
“Hey there. How you feeling?” Champ’s unmistakable voice rang through his ears.
“What’s going on? Jack tried to utter, but his voice was gravely as though it has not been used in a very long time. His voice broke off into a fit of coughing, as he tried to lift himself out of the warm gel. Ginger draped Jack’s body with a thermal blanket as he stepped onto the cold floor of the sickbay, completely unaware that he was still naked.
“Steady Jack.” Ginger said, as she stood next to Jack, providing him with the support he needed to stand. Her voice was soothing to his ears. “Just take it slow.”
It took a moment, but Jack’s head cleared and he remembered everything. He should be dead, ground into minced meat. But how is he here at Statesman sickbay and alive.
“You’re probably wondering what’s going on?” Champ said, as he eyed Jack’s condition.
Ginger and Champ helped Jack to a chair by her desk. Ginger’s chair was cold on his bare ass, but that was the last thing on his mind. She moved to get Jack’s extra set of clothing. She had his pale blue cowboy button shirt with tight blue jeans, boots and denim jacket with corduroy collar. You got to give Ginger credit. She was always prepared for everything.
“Champ?” Jack started. “What happened?”
“You died. That’s what happened.” Champ said, somewhat casually. “You know, Alpha Gel can only do so much, and well, what happened to you, let’s just say us Statesman are always prepared for every outcome.”
“What the FUCK does that mean?” Jack yelled, annoyed, as Ginger brought over a pale blue button-down shirt and tried to help him with it. “Shit, I can dress myself, I’m not a fucking baby!”
Ginger gave up and placed Jack’s clothes on his lap and sat down next to Champ, by her desk.
“You see.” Champ continued. “Statesman have developed cloning for all of our active agents. Every agent out in the field has a clone, just in case of a catastrophic event, we would have a backup.”
“Are you telling me I’m a fucking copy?” Jack said
“No, Jack.” Champ said. “You’re the original. You see, we put the copies out in the field and their minds are linked to their originals that are in hibernation. In the event that the agent becomes damaged irreparably, the original is woken up.”
Jack looked at Ginger, who shifted in her seat uncomfortably.
“Did you know about this?” Jack asked Ginger.
“No.” She said, shaking her head. “I only found out, when Champ was dragging you into sickbay.”
“So, what are you two?” Jack asked, pointing at Champ and Ginger.
“Ginger here is a copy too.” Champ said. “Her original is still in hibernation. Just like how you were, Jack.”
(to be continued)