Marcus Pike
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Coming Soon: Complete episodes of the Mentalist and new PP edit only video. Pedro is not in any of the Behind the Scenes videos. :(
The Mentalist - Pedro Scenes Only
I am making a new edit with better video. This is the old edit. Pedro as Marcus Pike. All of Pedro’s scenes.
The Mentalist 6.16
Complete episode of The Mentalist Season 6, episode 16: Violets. Pedro as Marcus Pike.
The Mentalist 6.18
Complete episode of The Mentalist Season 6, episode 18: Forest Green. Pedro as Marcus Pike.
The Mentalist 6.19
Complete episode of The Mentalist Season 6, episode 19: Brown Eyed Girls. Pedro as Marcus Pike.
The Mentalist 6.20
Complete episode of The Mentalist Season 6, episode 20: Il Tovolo Bianco. Pedro as Marcus Pike.
The Mentalist 6.21
Complete episode of The Mentalist Season 6, episode 21: Black Hearts. Pedro as Marcus Pike.
The Mentalist 6.22
Complete episode of The Mentalist Season 6, episode 22: Blue Bird. Pedro as Marcus Pike.
The Mentalist 7.1
Complete episode for The Mentalist Season 7, episode 1: Nothing But Blue Skies. Pedro’s scene is at the end.